Phantom crypto wallet recently addressed rumors of an upcoming airdrop by posting on its X account. Some users had speculated that the platform’s new social features could lead to a token launch. However, Phantom made it clear, stating, “We do not have any plans to launch a token.” The post also celebrated the positive response to the launch of these new features.
In December, Phantom introduced social features that let users create profiles, add friends, and set privacy levels for their profiles (public, private, or invisible). Currently, usernames are only available on Phantom’s mobile app, not its Chrome extension, although Phantom hinted that extension support is coming soon.
Crypto is social. And now, Phantom is too. 👻
👤 Customize your profile
👥 Find and follow your friends
💸 Send and receive money with easeLive on mobile. Extension coming soon. ⏳
— Phantom (@phantom) December 18, 2024
We’re thrilled by the enthusiasm for following users on Phantom!
It’s a huge step for us toward making crypto more personal and user-friendly. By simplifying how you share and discover with friends, we aim to dramatically improve how users find new tokens and apps.
We’ve seen…
— Phantom (@phantom) January 3, 2025
While some users had hoped that following others or gaining followers might lead to an airdrop, and analysts speculated a potential token drop in 2025, Phantom’s recent announcement seems to put those ideas to rest.
Phantom Wallet to Integrate Sui Blockchain as Its Fourth Layer 1 Network
In December, Phantom Wallet revealed plans to integrate the Sui blockchain network as its fourth Layer 1 (L1) blockchain, joining Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana — the blockchain where Phantom originally began.
Jameel Khalfan, the global head of ecosystem at Sui Foundation, expressed pride in Phantom’s selectiveness when it comes to supporting chains, adding, “We are proud to now be included among this notable group.”
Also Read: What is a Cryptocurrency Wallet?
Although Phantom hasn’t set an official date for the Sui integration, its X account has hinted that the feature will be available “soon.” Phantom’s last addition was in November, when it introduced support for Ethereum Layer 2 network Base.
Also Read: What is SUI Coin? How does it work?
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